Neuro Advantage

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Ep 14 - Jay Hobbs, Pyschologist & Director - Thriving Now

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Ep 14 - Jay Hobbs, Psychologist & Director of Thriving Now Chris Turner

In this episode I have a great conversation with Jay Hobbs on the value of hiring for neurodiversity and some of the potential barriers and hurdles that existing recruitment practices put in place.

Jay has an extensive background in working with individuals and families of autistic people. Jay has also spent a considerable amount of time working on various employment programs and organisations to support the recruitment and employment of autistic job seekers.

There are many talented individuals out there who are both keen to work and highly capable. If it weren’t for the trouble they often face with interviews and selection processes, the vast majority would be working and delivering value.

If you’re likely to be around Brisbane in May or could make it there, I highly recommend you check out the 2019 conference - link below.

If you’d like some simple tips on better interviews for neurodiverse candidates, grab a copy of your free guide.

Don’t forget to like and subscribe to the podcast so you get future episodes delivered directly to you!


Thriving Now Conference, 31 May 2019 in Brisbane

Jay Hobbs email address:

Jay Hobbs, LinkedIn